Contact us and our managers will help you choose the best offer
(Reservation department)

Hotel address:
Amathous Area, P.O. Box 51206, 3502 Limassol, Cyprus.
Latitude: 34.705406
Longitude: 33.115885
Write to
Send your request right now and our managers will call You back within 5 minutes

*When you click on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data

Write to the department of groups
Write to us and we will calculate for You
an individual offer

*When you click on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data

The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
Hotel territory
The hotel is surrounded by gorgeous green garden and offers breathtaking views of the Limassol Bay and dramatic sunsets


Chat with the Manager


Online calculation

Hello, my name is Nika. I will help You decide on your stay at the hotel «Poseidonia Beach»

When would You like to go?

Please select your dates of travel:

To find a room for the selected date, You need to answer a few questions.

Approximately how many people will there be?

Less than 100 More than 100

Need a conference or banquet room?

Yes No

Have you already held events at the hotel «Poseidonia Beach»?

Yes No

Is it convenient to continue communication on the site?

Yes No

Is it convenient to get a preliminary calculation in Whatsapp?

Yes No


Will the children come with You?

Without children 1 2 3 4 Ок


I see.

How many rooms do You need?

1 2 3 4 Ок


I have a suitable offer ready for You, let me know your contact details - I will call you back and give you detailed information:

Your name:

Your phone: *

Is it correct?

*When you click on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data

Date of arrival:

Free call

Order a free call


do you want us to call You
back in 25 seconds?

*When you click on the button, you consent to the processing of personal data


a convenient time to call.
