The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
For corporate clients
Poseidonia Beach lies in a peaceful and scenic setting on the golden sands of a Blue Flag certified beach in Limassol Bay

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The Poseidonia Beach Hotel offers conference and meeting facilities. Our professional staff will organize your event and provide you with the necessary accompanying services such as catering, secretarial and technical services. Your event can be held in one of our four conference rooms. All the rooms are equipped with the latest audiovisual technology, wireless internet and powerful lighting features. Choosing the Poseidonia Beach Hotel, you choose the best for your event.
For corporate clients
100 guests
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
Conference Rooms
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel features the four function rooms with the modern technical equipment, for a successful event
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The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
Restaurants & Bars
Poseidonia Beach provides the guest with the perfect dining experience. Discover local & international flavours and experience fusion tasting and live cooking in the hotel restaurants and bars
Poseidon Restaurant
Enjoy the unique dining experience and taste the flavours of International & Mediterranean cuisine in the Poseidon Restaurant. The rich selection of gastronomic delights and spectacular views overlooking the sea awaits all guests.
Aegean Coffee Shop
The delightfully relaxed Aegean Coffee Shop serves international & continental breakfast, buffet lunch & an “A la carte” menu. Themed décor, charming design flourishes and culinary delights create relaxing dining atmosphere.
Wanax Beach Bar
Throughout the hottest time of the day, cool drinks can refresh. At the Wanax Beach Bar, you will find refreshing beverages, ice-creams with different flavours, healthy salads and a limited snack menu. The bar also serves “a la carte Menu” during the day.
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
The Deity Spa’s therapies and treatments are aimed to enhance the senses and feeling of well-being. A sauna room, steam bath, gym, jacuzzi and treatment room promote full body, mind and soul balance
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
Entertainment and Sport
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel boasts extensive leisure and sports activities. The guests can play sports games, take part in different competitions and enjoy animation programs & live performances
Water sport
Enjoy the warm breeze, crystal blue water and watersport activities. The Poseidonia Beach Hotel offers a variety of popular motorized and non-motorized sports.
Competitions, stretching, quiz, wine tasting, bingo, kids club and many other activities are available for the hotel guests.
Poseidon Boutique
Poseidon Boutique is located on the ground floor and offers a wide variety of handmade and modern amnesties.
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
Our rooms
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel houses 138 comfortable rooms and suites. All the guest rooms are equipped with all modern comforts, including free wireless internet access
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel
Our partners
The Poseidonia Beach Hotel enjoys well-deserved respect from a large number of regular customers, including such companies and large organizations as
Contact us:
+35725030313 (Reservation department)

Hotel address:
Amathous Area, P.O. Box 51206, 3502 Limassol, Cyprus.

Latitude: 34.705406
Longitude: 33.115885


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Online calculation

Hello, my name is Nika. I will help You decide on your stay at the hotel «Poseidonia Beach»

When would You like to go?

Please select your dates of travel:

To find a room for the selected date, You need to answer a few questions.

Approximately how many people will there be?

Less than 100 More than 100

Need a conference or banquet room?

Yes No

Have you already held events at the hotel «Poseidonia Beach»?

Yes No

Is it convenient to continue communication on the site?

Yes No

Is it convenient to get a preliminary calculation in Whatsapp?

Yes No


Will the children come with You?

Without children 1 2 3 4 Ок


I see.

How many rooms do You need?

1 2 3 4 Ок


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